
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Smelling the roses (before it's too late)

There's a threat far more insidious than terrorism. There's a threat far more important than rising petrol prices or an increase in interest rates. Though world Governments would have us all believe that these are the biggest concerns we face, this other threat, if left unchecked, will eclipse all that humans throughout history have toiled to create.

The threat is unique.

It is a threat that is set to become a reality if the present course of inaction favoured by the human and corporate psyche continues to reign supreme.

Every human on the planet is responsible for causing the threat. Every human is also able to act to overcome it. The danger is obvious, real and ever-present. It is also able to be defeated.

The threat is of course environmental chaos. In simpler terms, the end of life as we know it.

The victim of this crime is planet Earth. The perpetrator: each and every one of us.

At 4.57 billion years old, planet Earth has obviously been doing something right. Would the forces of nature have given the green light to the relatively recent birth of homo sapiens if they’d known they were almost certainly sounding their death knell? Modern man has signed the future’s death warrant with petrochemicals and the blood of slaughtered species now extinct. A blink in the time-space continuum, the last 250,000 years of mankind’s evolution will seem like nothing more than that ticklish feeling before a sneeze that never actually happens.

It's not news to anyone living in the so-called developed world that human beings have royally screwed up Earth. A heady mix of myth and mistruth has been fed to the world's population by those seeking to continue their power and short-term profits. The time has come to stop sucking on the teat of blissful close-minded ignorance and to seize on a solution before humans are snuffed out like the graceful Rodigues Solitaire.


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