
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

NSW Gas Abatement Scheme

Governments are slowly beginning to realise that environmental problems need concentrated approaches. The NSW Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme is one of the first of its kind in the world. The scheme was begun on January 1, 2003 with a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (mainly carbon dioxide) that result from the consumption and production of electricity and car use. The scheme mandates that by 2007, electricity retailers in NSW (Integral, Energy Australia etc) reduce their per-capita greenhouse emissions by five per cent over 1990 levels. Though limited in it's scope, the Abatement Scheme is one of the first steps towards creating a sustainable nation.

While the NSW scheme is a large scale corporate initiative, citizens can also play a role. The Daily Telegraph and Easy Being Green are offering free Climate Saver Packs consisting of six free energy saving light globes and a free water saving showerhead to people who apply before the 30th September. The goal of 500,000 homes installing the free packs will mean the equivalent of saving 6 billion litres of water and taking up to 140,000 cars off the streets. To apply for a pack or for more information visit Easy Being Green.


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